Dry days are days where the Government prohibits the sale of alcohol in shops, clubs, bars, etc on a specific day or date mark a festival or an election day. Dry days are something that people definitely not looking forward to in Goa. Nobody wants to plan a Goa trip on a dry day.
Goa doesn’t have dry days on 26th January, 19th December or 15th August unlike rest of India.
Due to Legislative assembly elections of Goa 2022 below are the official dry days to be observed strictly by election omission.
12th, 13th And 14th February will be total dry days in Goa (14th February is election day)
9th & 10th March dry days due to counting on 10th March 2022.
2nd October, Gandhi jayanti is the only official dry day in Goa apart from election’s code of conduct.
On this day alcohol sale and consumption is banned at public places including clubs, pubs, retail shops, beaches, casinos etc. However restaurants are open to serve food.
Leaving one day, Goa is always like a haven for party-goers and people who like to live it up with drinks.
Apart from 2nd October Goa do not have any other dry days.